Lord L6 premium double edged safety razor

Lord L6 premium double edged safety razor

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#1 Danny on 10.27.10 at 2:21 pm

The Lord Premium double edge razor is a nice razor and gives a nice and close shave.

Its a nice razor for people who are looking for a inexpensive middle of the road double edge safety razor.

You can see at the finishing of the razor is a mass-production razor, but it will do the job and gives a babysmooth shave.

Offcourse you can’t compare this Lord razor with the Merkur razors or the old vintage safety razors made by gillette. But they cost a lot more!!!

But this Lord razor is not a bad razor and works very well. You also can use this razor as a traveling razor so you can leave your morer expensive merkur or gillette vintage fatboy razors at home.

Not bad!

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