This blog’s first full day was 8 July 2010, so it is a little over 3 months old. It is difficult to get a new site humming with no marketing budget, but thus far traffic has been steadily incremental. There have been a total of sixteen and a half thousand visits, with a peak day of 427. Visitors look at an average of 2.16 pages per visit (there are 10 articles on the front page), staying on average 4.44 minutes. Google says there are 5,420 internet links to here.
The most popular article by some margin is Frank Shaving Chinese badger brush, if everyone who read this bought one then there will be a lot of happy customers and a very happy supplier. The second most popular article was The Gillette adjustable safety razors, presumably because it gives so much information about the history of these fine razors.
Visitors have come from 104 countries and territories. The countries with an average visit time of over ten minutes include Australia, Denmark and Norway. Bulgarians stay for less than a minute.
There are 115 articles, with several of them written by guests. There have been 223 comments. If you would like to write an article for publication here then please contact me. The more contributors we have the more value that visitors will get from the site.
One very marked trend has been for articles here to lead to threads being started on all the traditional shaving forums. This is to be expected because we all live in the same village and chat about the same things. But it does mean that the real world reach of what is written here extends well beyond the immediate readership.
It has taken a lot of hard and enjoyable work to get here, quite a lot of future articles are already written, waiting for publication and there is still no end of ideas for more.
I hope that the Guide to Gourmet Shaving will contribute to the growth of your blog readership: I listed this blog as a “reference site” for shaving information in the latest edition of the book. Certainly I have found much of value in the blog.
Thanks Leisureguy.
I am taking your book to Spain with me next week to read.
hi how many people use shaving cream to shave?